The Salem Witch Trials: A Day-by-Day Chronicle


Description from the back of The Salem Witch Trials: A Day-by-Day Chronicle of a Community Under Siege by Marilynne K. Roach:

Salem, Massachusetts, 1692. The puritan colony felt threatened by change. The population struggled daily against not only the specter of eternal damnation but also the earthly dangers of Indian massacres, French invasion and raids, deadly epidemics, and internal factional disputes. Against the backdrop, a small group of afflicted individuals denounced a West Indian slave and others as their tormentors and worshipers of Satan. The witch scare and accusations went well beyond Salem Village to pervade New England; in less than two years, twenty people were put to death, and more than one hundred others were imprisoned.

The Salem Witch Trials is based on over twenty-five years of original archival research (including the author’s discovery of previously unknown documents), as well as on newly found cases and court records. From January 1692 to January 1697, this history unfolds a nearly day-by-day narrative of the crisis, while providing rich details of the communal, colonial, and international events that influenced the witch scare and trials.  Illustrated with dozens of photos, drawings, and maps, The Salem Witch Trials is both indispensable and compelling. (paperback, 2004)

Also by Marilynne K. Roach:

Six Women of Salem


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