SWM Barrel Mug


This ceramic mug features our popular illustration of the SWM’s building on the outside, with a Charles Upham quote on the opposite side:

“It would be wiser to direct our ridicule and reproaches to the delusions of our own times than to those of a previous age; and it becomes us to treat with charity and mercy the failings of our predecessors, at least until we have ceased to imitate and repeat them.” -Charles W. Upham, 1867

The exterior of this mug is black with a bright red interior that matches the glowing, gothic revival windows that make our building so iconic. Inside the mug at the bottom is a recreation of the red circle from our first presentation, with the names of the 20 innocent individuals executed for witchcraft in 1692 written in a spiral. The mug is 4″ tall and 4″ wide, with a generous handle.

The illustration of our building on this mug matches our stainless steel tumbler, a lapel pin, and SWM building t-shirt.


2 in stock

Additional information

Weight1.2 lbs
Dimensions4 × 5.5 × 4 in