Alice Parker, the wife of Salem fisherman John Parker, lived in a rented home on the Salem Harbor waterfront, on Salem Neck. The Parker’s landlady was Mary English, who lived at the other end of English Street. The site of the home is not viewable, as its location is believed to have been behind the fence of the Salem Harbor Power Station today.
In mid-May of 1692, John and Elizabeth Proctor’s servant Mary Warren, jailed for witchcraft herself, accused Alice Parker of all kinds of misdeeds at sea. According to Warren, Goody Parker had purportedly confided in her that she had sunk a ship, killed a man at sea, and drowned a boy in Salem Harbor. Her husband was likely away from home for weeks and months on end, could she have been thinking of him on his voyages? Did she really confess these things to Mary Warren?
According to Parker when questioned, “I never spoke a word to her in my life.”