The Untold Story of Dorothy Good, Salem’s Youngest Accused WitchPerhaps the most devastating story from the Salem witchcraft trials is that of Dorothy Good, the youngest person to be...
Grace Sherwood: The “Witch” of PungoThose traveling through Virginia Beach, Virginia will likely find themselves driving along one of the town’s most well-traveled streets: Witchduck...
LGBTQIA+ PrideThe Lavender Scare The anti-communist campaign referred to as the Second Red Scare, but more popularly known as McCarthyism, is...
Magical Creatures, Artifacts, and Folk BeliefBy: Jonah Hoffmann This blog series focuses on magical creatures, artifacts, and folk belief in various countries during the Middle...
Debunking the “Moldy Bread” TheoryMany today are aware of the theory that moldy bread caused the strange behavior that triggered the witchcraft panic in...
Cotton Mather: Villain, Bystander, or Somewhere in Between?Reverend Cotton Mather was an influential Puritan minister in Boston, serving his community for 43 years. Though famously associated with...
Deputy HusbandsIt was in Laurel Thatcher Ulrich’s book Good Wives: Image and Reality in the Lives of Women in Northern New...
The Metaphor of Salem and the New York Slave Rebellion of 1741Today the Salem witch trials are perhaps the most well-known witch-hunt to have taken place in the Western world. At...
Witches in ComicsBy: Jonah Hoffmann The witch is a pop culture staple appearing in various media types with real-life roots that are...
Movie MondayBy: Jonah Hoffmann This blog series is a celebration of witchcraft in cinema and focuses on some of the films...