The Nathaniel Felton Sr. and Nathaniel Felton Jr. Houses are located at the top of Felton Hill, next to Brooksby Farm. They are owned by the Peabody Historical Society.
More About Nathaniel Felton Sr. and Jr. Houses
Owned by the Peabody Historical Society, the Nathaniel Felton Sr. House is the oldest In Peabody. Built circa 1644, it is located at the top of Mount Pleasant (aka Felton’s Hill) at 47 Felton Street, adjacent to the historic Brooksby Farm.
Nathaniel Felton Sr. lived in this house in 1692. He composed and was the first signer of a petition in support of his neighbors, John and Elizabeth Proctor, when they were accused of witchcraft. “We whose names are underwritten having several years known John Procter and his wife do testify that we never heard or understood that they were ever suspected to be guilty of the crime now charged upon them and several of us being their near neighbors do testify that to our apprehension they lived Christian life in their family and were ever ready to help such as stood in need of their help.”
The original document is held by the Peabody Essex Museum, with a copy at the Peabody Historical Society.
Next door is the Nathaniel Felton Jr. House at 43 Felton Street, built in 1683. Felton Jr. also signed the petition for the Proctors that was created by his father.
Despite this petition, and a similar one in support of the Proctors submitted by neighbors from Ipswich, the court was unmoved. John Proctor was hanged for witchcraft on August 19. His wife’s execution was postponed when it was discovered that she was pregnant with the couple’s seventh child. Elizabeth escaped the hangman’s noose. The last executions took place on September 22 and the Court of Oyer and Terminer was dissolved in October. A new court began hearing cases again the following January. Most suspects were found “not guilty” due to lack of evidence, while those who were convicted were given reprieves by Governor William Phips.
Open by appointment. Visit for more information.