Blindsided: The Life and Times of Sam Mihara


Author and lecturer Sam Mihara’s memoir Blindsided: The Life and Times of Sam Mihara as told to Alexandra Villarreal packs an emotional punch in just over 100 pages. This memoir is filled with grief, loss, and hope. Mihara and his family were imprisoned in a camp in northern Wyoming by the U.S. government. Mihara was only 9 years old. His family were a few of the thousands of innocent Japanese Americans put into internment camps during World War II. This is a story for those who want to learn more about America’s forgotten mistakes, and discover how to prevent future tragedies like this one. Highly recommended. We are privileged to offer this edition signed by the author. (paperback, 2nd edition 2022)

About the author:

Sam Mihara has lectured for more than 20 years about his family’s experience. He also lectures on contemporary injustices, such as mass incarceration and the detention of undocumented immigrants. In 2023, Sam Mihara received the Salem Award for Human Rights and Social Justice. Established over 30 years ago, the Salem Award was created in conjunction with the Salem Witch Trials Memorial, located in downtown Salem.

Other books about the internment of Japanese Americans:

They Called Us Enemy, actor/author/activist George Takei’s graphic memoir with artwork by Harmony Becker

Farewell to Manzanar, a memoir by Jeanne Wakatsuki and James D. Houston


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