The Evil Eye: The History, Mystery, and Magic of the Quiet Curse


In this practical, modern exploration of one of the oldest, most universal, famed, and feared forms of folk magic, author Antonio Pagliarulo explores the phenomenon of the Evil Eye: what it is, its origins and causes, and, most crucially, how to avoid, repel, and remove it. Rich with cultural anecdotes and traditions, mystical lore, and modern concepts, The Evil Eye offers practical advice for shielding yourself from the destructive and lingering power of this mysterious and persistent force. (paperback, 2023)

“[The Evil Eye] will quickly become your go-to reference guide in times of need, should you choose to delve deeper in practice and get in touch with your roots, spirit, and the magic that surrounds us.” -Jessica Pimental, actor in Orange Is the New Black

“Antonio Pagliarulo combines ethnographic observations and factual knowledge with magical expertise in a way that will appeal to practitioners from a variety of religious and esoteric traditions.” -Sabina Magliocco, professor of anthropology, University of British Columbia



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